

My name is Brandon McNab and I am absolutely thrilled to be working with such an amazing group of individuals over the summer.  I used to work with Dr. Bush during the TCWP summer camp years ago, so it's wonderful to back in familiar territory. To tell you a little about myself, I am 34 years old and have been teaching for around 8 years.  My wife and I are expecting our 1st child in October, so next school year will certainly be different for me.  I am borderline psychotic about disc golf, as that has become my number one passion.  I recently started a Disc Golf Club team here at Kalamazoo Central, so I am excited to be teaching the sport to an enthusiastic / diverse group of young students.

My main goal as a teacher has always been to have an impact on the students I work with.  This may not always specifically academic, but personally or culturally as well.  I want my students to leave my classroom as better people; I know this is a lofty goal, but it's what I try to achieve every 70 minute period I have with my kids.

My goals as a writer are not that specific.  I'm not sure that I consider myself a writer, but I love writing and composing my thoughts.  I am certain this summer retreat will help me become a better writer, who is more confident in my abilities.  My goal as a writer for this summer is to be more comfortable as a writer, and also to push myself out of my comfort zone.  I need to try to write in different / various genres, not just the ones I am comfortable with.

How can I provide teacher leadership in my school / district?  That is a great question.  I think the first thing (and most important thing) any teacher can do is to be positive!  There is far too much negativity going on in our profession today, and that has a negative impact on the students we work with.   Many days just being proud and positive in front of a group of students has a HUGE impact on their learning, their abilities, and their confidence in general.  I think it's important to go the extra mile making personal connections with a student.  Having deeper connections with the students we work with allows us to have a greater impact.  That is how ANY teacher can provide leadership.

See everyone soon!


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