Hey guys, A quick note about me and a test run for the blog. First, I am really excited! This summer is going to be fun, challenging, creative, focused on growth, and I know I already mentioned it, but fun! I teach English at Paw Paw High, mostly senior level AP Composition and college preparatory English, but I have also taught at least one freshman class of English for the last eleven years, too. My other experiences teaching include working as an English teacher in Japan in 2001-2, working as an instructional aid in Kindergarten at Kalamazoo Advantage Academy when it first opened, teaching English for Upward Bound at WMU, facilitating writing seminars for Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK), and most recently, I just finished a stint teaching creative writing at the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home. I started doing Third Coast back in 2005 (2006?) and have only missed a few summers since then. Professionally speaking, it has been the most important component of my life. Hands down. ...
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