First Post?

Hey guys,

A quick note about me and a test run for the blog. First, I am really excited! This summer is going to be fun, challenging, creative, focused on growth, and I know I already mentioned it, but fun!

I teach English at Paw Paw High, mostly senior level AP Composition and college preparatory English, but I have also taught at least one freshman class of English for the last eleven years, too. My other experiences teaching include working as an English teacher in Japan in 2001-2, working as an instructional aid in Kindergarten at Kalamazoo Advantage Academy when it first opened, teaching English for Upward Bound at WMU, facilitating writing seminars for Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK), and most recently, I just finished a stint teaching creative writing at the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home.

I started doing Third Coast back in 2005 (2006?) and have only missed a few summers since then. Professionally speaking, it has been the most important component of my life. Hands down. Easy choice. Seriously, nothing has been even close. From the beginning, it has offered a platform for me to experiment, fail, face my own weaknesses, plug into the best practices of the area's best teachers of writing, as well as the nation's best teachers of writing, and of course, grow, grow, grow. I view my role as a facilitator primarily, and have absolutely no question that I will learn from each of you. This gets my batteries primed!

My philosophy of writing is object based: I believe in "thingness": I look to find things that say things, and then write. I believe in direct feedback. I believe in writing with my students, which means that I share my failures and successes. I believe in the power of humor, in keeping it light. Because there's no question we're going to get into some real stuff, we better know how to laugh.

Outside of teaching I do a lot of coaching. I am the assistant coach for WMU's club hockey team. My oldest son wrestles and boxes, and I help coach these as well. I have been involved with the martial arts since 1993, and have travelled and trained in Japan, Thailand, California, etc. I love beer. I love coffee. I love to eat, a lot. I am obsessed with the philosophy of food.

Ok, sorry to ramble a bit! I can't wait to see you June 3rd!

PS: Here's a beautiful little poem many of you may be familiar with.
Faulkner and I chilling in the town square down yonder in Oxford, MS 


  1. Looking forward to swapping war stories about AP Lit and Comp. I teach it at Otsego HS. - Nancy Gaines

    1. Yes yes- I am particularly interested in any multiple choice stuff you have.

  2. Do you teach AP Lit, AP Lang, or both? I'd love to share ideas with another AP Lang teacher!

    1. I teach AP lang. It will be a great opportunity to pick each others' brains!


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